Saturday, October 13, 2012

Let The Fire Fall

With each day that we walk with Jesus, we should be walking closer to Him. With each passing day it should be more about Him and less about us. Yet, every now and then we need to do a self examination to see where we are in this journey of faith. So let us take a good look at who we are.

So often people will call themselves Christians because of a childhood decision that was made years earlier, yet nothing in their lives says Christ lives in me. The scriptures tell us that Jesus said "If I be lifted up (speaking of His death) then I will draw all men to Me." So if our lives lift up Jesus in how we speak, in what we watch, in what we say, how we behave, and in our lifestyle, then the lost will be drawn to us not because of who we are but because of who He is in us. Do you need help in this area?

Our title of this post is "Let the Fire Fall" often we sing this in our popular praise and worship music. One day as I was talking with my Lord and thinking of this song, Jesus spoke to my spirit and said "Do you know what you are asking for, when you pray for this?" Well, apparently I didn't because He went on to explain "My fire is a consuming fire it will consume everything that is not in Me, every thought, every action and every ministry that is not in Me and under My blood. It is also a purifying fire it will purify everything that is of Me." Are you ready for that He says, and I am asking you today are you ready for that. As I said yes Lord, I lay my flesh on the altar consume my flesh, consume any motive, any thought, any plan, any purpose that is not of You and purify me Lord in everything that is of You. Just let me say and testify the pain is the same whether it is the consuming fire or the purifying fire.

In the Old Testament whenever a sacrifice was placed on the altar God answered with fire. Remember Elijah and the priest of Baal, when Elijah placed the sacrifice on the altar God sent down fire it consumed the offering and even licked up the water around the offering.

Malachi 3:3  He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver; He will purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness.

When you speak to one who refines silver he tells you this, In order to purify the silver to get rid of all infirmities I have to hold the silver over the hottest part of the fire. I have to sit an watch it continually so that it will not stay too long and become damaged. If asked how do you know when it has been in the fire long enough, the refiner will say that part is easy, when I see my reflection. What a picture that has been painted for the children of God.

Are you ready to move deeper in your relationship, are you ready to move deeper in your worship, are you ready to move deeper in your praise, are you ready to move deeper in your study of His holy word. Then pray Lord sent down the fire, I am ready Lord consume anything in me that is not of you and purify everything that is. God is ready to get His bride ready, are you ready?

This has been my prayer for awhile now and I am amazed at how God is moving and working in me and around me. I continue to pray this even now because I know that the out come of the finished work will be worth it all.

Paul prayed I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ Jesus lives in me.
I too, say crucify my flesh, I want more of Jesus and less of me. Thank you Jesus, for You are faithful and true.