Friday, March 1, 2013

Seeking Direction

As you are walking with Jesus, He alone can be your guide. There is never anything that will arise in my day that I don't seek the direction of my Lord Jesus Christ. In Jeremiah 29:11 I am told that God has a plan for my life and it is for my good. So if I want to follow His plan for my life then I must seek His direction.

In 2Chronicles 26:5 He sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had an understanding in the visions of God, and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper. The word sought means to inquire so often that a path is worn to God's throne room. That is what I do, inquire continually to my Lord.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my path.

So I press in through prayer and seek His word to light my way.  How often do you stop and consider are you where God wants you? We understand that when we are saved God gives gifts and callings into His people, that they might serve Him within the local church and within the community and sometimes beyond. Have you considered what your gift or calling is and if so are you walking in it?

Do you have a dream that God has placed in your heart? Yet, you seem to do nothing about it. For many years I have known the I had the gift and yes, I believe a calling in my life to teach the word of God. In my local church I do teach both children and adults and enjoy any opportunity to share the word. But I had another dream He had given me that takes me beyond my local church and into my community and yes, even beyond. With the technology we have today I have been whispering a prayer about beginning an on-line bible study. Though I understand how technology can be a great tool, really I am sort of ignorant of how to do things. I did learn how to blog, do emails, facebook and google but set up a web page was out of my league. This past Sunday my whisper exploded into a definite request and God's reply was "you have to start it". When God parted the Jordon River the priests had to step in first, when Jesus told Peter to come to Him on the water Peter had to get out of the boat. It is called a leap of faith. So if I truly believed this is what God has for me then I needed to take a leap of faith and set up a web-site and begin. That is exactly what I did. Just me and Jesus went to the computer and in just a short time there it was ready to go. I have put one week's lesson on it and plan to put a new lesson each Monday. This is to glorify God and bless the one involved with the study. So I am going to share my web address with you and ask that you check it out and invite a friend to check it out with you.

May God bless you as you seek His direction for your life. My web address