Thursday, October 16, 2014


Ever had a storm come up very suddenly and you find yourself unprepared for the storm? Yes, me too!! You know those times when it is pouring down rain and you just remembered you left your umbrella in the car! There are storms that arise because of our own misguided actions, then there are the storms that the enemy will bring into our lives; when we did not expect it. Yet, through all of these storms a testing of our faith will occur.
Battling storms will require us to remain steadfast, planted on a firm foundation, or as an old fisherman's quote "Better make sure you batten down the hatches." Storms are never pleasant, and often bring us feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and despair. There have been times when I really felt like I would drown if Jesus did not reach down and pull me to safety. At times when I felt this way the enemy would be shouting into my ear "Give up, Nothing will change, You don't matter to anyone, Lay down and die!" Even typing these words fills me with pain, remembering the times when Satan spoke these words into my mind, then I for a brief moment believed his lies and wept desiring death rather than the storm.
Looking at the word: Matthew 14:22-33 Jesus had just finished feeding 5,000 and as He sent the people away He told His disciples to get in the boat and go to the other side. Then He went up on the mountain to be by Himself and pray, here He looks out and sees the boat in the middle of the sea.
Matthew 14:24 But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary.
Matthew 14:31-33 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him (Peter), and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Then those who were in the boat came and worshiped Him, saying, "Truly, You are the Son of God."
Our Christian life is a walk of faith, yet, when we find ourselves in the storms of life, we often find ourselves doubting where God is. Faith will grow, as we are stretched beyond where we were to the next level, and in that stretch will come a test that will at times appear like storms.
Remember Abraham, God had promised him a son, a son that would be born in his old age to him and his wife Sarah. We know that after Issac was born time past and God instructed Abraham to take his son, his promised son and offer him as a sacrifice. We can read that Genesis 22:1-18, we know that this is a picture of the time when God, Himself, will give His Son Jesus Christ as our sacrifice, in fact the ram caught in the bush is a picture of Jesus as our sacrifice, our substitute. But lets look at the following scriptures:
Hebrews 11:17-19 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Issac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of who it was said; "In Issac your seed shall be called." concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense.
You see from the time Abraham was 75 years of age until his extremely old age, God was preparing him for this test. Our walk with Jesus through each valley, to the top of the mountain has been to prepare us for the testing of our faith, no matter how it may come. Each time God reveals a deeper revelation to us and we begin to walk in that deeper revelation a test will come. Yet God never wants us to fail, He always prepares us for what is coming, and He sustains us in the middle of it. The incarnation of Jesus Christ was the fourth man in the furnace with the three Hebrew men in Daniel chapter 3. When they came out they did not even have the stench of smoke on their clothing.
I am writing this because too often I have felt like a failure, even when I saw the test coming I viewed it as a storm and reacted to the drama verses responding in peace and faith. I am sure we can all agree we have been there more times than we would like to remember. But God will not allow us to be failures, we have been built to outlast the storm, and to pass the test. And as I have learned, we get the privilege of taking the test over and over until we pass it.
Just a reminder seeking an on-line bible study that you can work on from home? Check out This takes you to the front page and on the left are different studies, the one we are working on now is "Are You Willing?" and we are looking at Abraham.