I have found myself without a local church to worship at. Now what do I do? I began to pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me and direct me to the church of His choice for me. I visited several churches some more than once, and deep down inside I knew those were not the churches where I belonged.
I Corinthians 12:18 says: "But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased"
As you begin to seek the direction and the church God would have you to go to remember the scripture above and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Often times we stay or go to a church because it is convenient to our home, or comfortable to what we are used to, we may like the seats, the singing and last but not least the pastor. But that is not the basis for why we should go there. We should be willing to be placed by God; Himself, into a body of believers as He has chosen. This may not be your first choice.
So how do you decide if this is where God wants you. When walking with Jesus, as you sit and listen to the word of God, the Holy Spirit will confirm in your inner man if this is where you need to be.
I have been at the my church now for a year and a half and I am truly in love with the body here. Yet, when I first sat down the very first time, I was diffidently out of my comfort zone. It was smaller than I was used to, yet a very pretty church, praise team and music was great, the anointing on the pastor was obvious, great message. But I was not used to such praise and adoration of Jesus during the praise and worship time. I stood there unsure of what was happening around me and at the same time I knew I liked it. It was right. People were honestly telling Jesus they loved Him and I found myself saying "I love you Jesus, I adore you" I knew I was home.
Following Jesus meant I left what I was used to and was willing to let the Holy Spirit guide me to the place He wanted me. I have never been happier, I am feasting on the Word of God each time I enter the doors, and I am serving my Lord as He directs me. I make no decision without asking Jesus first.
To understand what I am about to say it is necessary to go back in time. In the 70's and early 80's I was a new christian, hungry for the word and listening to my pastor and teacher believing what they were saying without even a question. Then came what I call my "Wilderness Years" when I chose the pleasures of this world over my relationship with God. After repentance and coming back to my Lord I really began to dig into the word myself, seeking a closer walk with God. During this time I began to realize that through the years people had many times taken the scriptures out of context of how God had intended it. Sometimes people will say "that was for that time, it is not for today." I have even heard" people who do that are of the devil".
2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work"
You see the three letter word "ALL" do you know what it means in the Greek you guessed it. It means exactly what it says "ALL". Every word written is as much for us today as it was for the early church. If it weren't God would have left it out, right?
Matthew 12: 31-32 " Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men,but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man it will be forgiven him, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come.
Powerful words Jesus is speaking. He was directing it to the religious leaders of His day, who had just said that Jesus cast out demons by the power of Satan. This warning is for all of us, maybe we don't understand something, perhaps we do not believe something but never give Satan credit for anything that may be of the Holy Spirit.
John 15: 1-2 " I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit"
When you are walking with Jesus, He will begin to show you teachings in your past that do not line up with His word. He will begin to prune these wrong teachings and wrong way of thinking out of your mind . Now you will need to replace this with the truth of God's pure word. This is called renewing your mind. It is a hard thing to realize that most of what you were taught in the beginning was error but awesome to also realize God is willing to spend time with you and teach the truth of His word. Yes, we need preachers and teachers these are gifts and callings Jesus has placed within the body (His church). Our responsibility is not to accept everything that is taught without first searching the scriptures for yourself. There are times when confirmation within your spirit will come from the Holy Spirit that this is right and sometimes He will tell you it is wrong, but mostly God wants you in the word so you will learn directly from Him.
This was the pruning of wrong things, but what about the pruning of right things. Yes believe it or not God will prune things out of your life that once was okay but now God says" I'm moving in you for something else, if you don't go with me now I will find someone else who is available and willing." This is what happened to me about one and half years ago.
I was happy and comfortable at my church. I loved the people, the message, the singing and I was serving God in many areas. Then I began to feel a stirring in me a restlessness and at times even a sadness I thought it was because I was grieving the death of my mother. Then I realized God was saying it is time to leave and I really didn't know how. I was afraid if I left I would not be used to serve again. But, finally I left. I did not leave in the way I should have but perhaps if I had not left at that moment I may not have left at all.
When I left, to follow Jesus, I said Lord maybe I just need to sit at your feet awhile and really learn from the Master. I had been pruned so I could bear more fruit.