Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
Have you seen the sunrise in the morning? Have you seen the beauty of the changing colors of the leafs? Have you seen the waves washing on shore at the ocean? Have you seen the mountains and all their magnificent glory? Have you reached down and smelled a flower? Have you seen the smile of a child as they delight in the small things? Have you looked into the eyes of the one you love? Have you felt the rain on your back as you dashed to the car? All of this the creation of the world, the creation of the pets many of you love, the creation of human life all of this was God's love being poured out, the beauty of His creation is more than we can fathom. I could talk about the fall, the sin that entered this earth, the sin that corrupted the beauty of all He created. And that would take me to:
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Do you see the two little words 'HE GAVE"? This is God Grace, His love being poured out from heaven to earth. How great a love that God would extend His grace to us as His Son, that we might have everlasting life. In Romans 5:8 it tells us that while we were still sinners God demonstrated His love for us by allowing His Son Jesus Christ to die in our place. (Now that is not a quote just what it means)
When I was in the middle of the pit, sinking deeper and deeper into my own sinfulness, not knowing how to save myself and not knowing who could save me. God in His great love and through His loving Grace extended His hand to me and cast me a life line. That life line I grabbed hold of was Jesus Christ. Very soon I will write of how His great love, grace and mercy has sparred me from death on more than one occasion, but not today I am still in the middle of something and must see more.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and not of yourselves it is the gift of God.
That grace that saved us, was His love for us. It is hard to imagine that as God watched Jesus the Lamb of God hanging on a tree, He thought about you and me. He turned for a moment because seeing mine and your sin on His Sinless Son was more than He could look at. That is when Jesus said "My God, My God why have You forsaken Me" This is the first and only time that Jesus did not refer to God as Father. You see my friends God's love for us was so great that He could forsake His Son so that we would not be forsaken.
So how can I being me begin to describe such a great love as this. I can't but this one thing I know I love Him because He first loved me. He continues to pour out His grace (love) into my life each and every day. People may get mad at me, people may even stop loving me, people may forsake me, people may hurt me. But not my God He never gives up on me, He never forsakes me, He never stops loving me, He loves me in spite of me. And I say thank You Jesus for Your great love, Your great grace has set me free from the bondage of sin and the bondage of people.
Looking for a bible study check out wwwlindagroberts.com When you go here to see all the studies not listed on the front page click on the Galatian Study and you will see all the others. Right now I am doing a study on Joseph you will find it in the Galatian area.
Be Blessed and know that you are Loved by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
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