Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Jesus Wept

In today's post I want to talk about the grief that will come into every christian's walk at some point. Grief can come in with the death of a loved one, the death of a marriage, the loss of a job, with children who have left you and the Lord to wander in a wilderness of their own making. Many things come into our lives to bring on grief, but today I want to talk about our grief in death of a loved one.

The most comforting verse in the scriptures at a time like this is: John 11:35 "Jesus wept" You see Jesus's good friend Lazarus had died, Jesus knew this and He also knew He was going to raise him from the grave, to show that He had authority over death, yet when He arrived He saw how his sisters, Mary and Martha were grieving, and feeling their grief Jesus wept with them. You see even when we don't understand and He does, even when we are in a dark hole, He feels our sadness He feels our sorrow and He weeps with us.

Christians should never get lost in our time of grief because it can bring a spirit of grief into our lives which will attempt to control us and bring in deep depression which will be hard to climb out of. We should always see the hope we have in Christ that one day we will see our saved loved ones again. Don't allow yourself to focus on regrets, or the whys or the what ifs. Just remember God is still God. He was with you before they died and He is with you

Going back to my early childhood; I was only 8 years old when the daddy I loved dearly died of cancer at the age of 40. In 1956 death was never really explained to children so I believed that since God had killed him He might kill me also. Now I know it is not God who kills; yet at 8 I could not see the difference. I decided I wanted no part of God and church I refused to go back to church until I became a teenager and then I went for the youth. I never really understood the gospel nor was I saved.

In an earlier post I shared how as I grieved in the death of my marriage I reverted back to the 8 year old and again said I want no part of God or church. My grief pulled me away from the loving Father into self and "poor little me".

Now I come to 2009 I am saved walking with Jesus and my mother who had been living with me for 10 years, was dying at age 93. How will I respond? My sister and I knew mother's wishes, so we made the decision to let her go at home. Mom was dying but not from any disease it was her time she lived long and was loved much. She was a hard working woman who cared for her family and helped us in more ways than I can tell. She had always been one to laugh and cut up with everyone, so it was hard to watch her drift away the last few months of her life. I sure am one who could have many regrets and satan likes to put them in my mind from time to time (like right now). No matter what difficulties we may have had from time to time I loved her and she knew it. From time to time I will say Jesus tell momma I love her and I know He does. All I can really say about grief is when it comes into your life hang on to Jesus He alone truly understands and the comforter, the Holy Spirit, will wrap Himself around us to get us through the moment. Remember the good memories and let Jesus get you through the sad memories.

Isaiah 53:3 " He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief...."

Let Jesus take your grief with Him on the cross and He will restore your joy. Everyone walking with Jesus will experience grief and He is the same, He will not leave you nor forsake you.

God bless each one who reads this post.

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